
By sharon143

Got up reasonably early, packed and had time to sort the house a bit without two cats helping! Did miss them though! Had an uneventful journey up to Edinburgh apart from a small issue with my ticket at Nottingham. It was resolved very efficiently and pragmatically though.
Quite a few people got off at Newcastle so had the last 90 minutes with a double seat to myself- really makes a difference to me.
Walked through anEdinburgh with a real festival feel- so buzzy and vibrant. Don’t think it’s felt like this since 2019.
Arrived at Ds and phoned Dad. He was in very good spirits and relaxed about the catheter. Good news.
D had cooked a delicious paella and I really enjoyed a small portion- haven’t had any appetite since last Saturday.
We both enjoyed Trojan Women a lot and more than we expected and agreed on the good and not so good parts- not always the case. There wasn’t a lot of ‘not so good’
- just occasional too bright lighting and a bit too much wailing from one of the leads

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