Saturday: Rust Bucket

We had a relatively quiet morning at home before going to ‘Trey’s Barn & Grill’ where there was an artisan market taking place.  It was quite small but we still came away with a nice loaf of bread and some brie.  We also had lunch there, which was pretty nice.  

It was pretty hot so there weren’t that many people there.  There were more  vendors than buyers but it was still nice to go.  This is the old truck that ‘Trey’s’ has out front.

This evening we had a beer on the balcony and watched the grackles come in to roost.  After that, we had to get back to ‘Hijack’ as it’s just too exciting.

And we had an update on Winston today (see extra).  He’s doing remarkably well and has a great appetite.  We’re so happy.  

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