
By MumOf4Wildlings

DIY job

A before and after of the jedi and his hair. I need to tidy beside his ears a bit but I think I did a decent job. He asked for it cut. And it's like dealing with a feral cat. Mr R thinks social services should be called. Hehe . 

It's been a good day. We all cycled to see nana and grandad after lunch. We normally see them on a Saturday,  but obviously yesterday was taking up with seeing big bad Barry.  Grandads hand is black and blue. He says it doesn't hurt. So that's good. We also had a play at the park on the way home. My knee is feeling it at the moment.  But hey ho. 

The wildlings are just sitting down to a late dinner. I feel like I'm chasing my tail today. 

I'm looking forward to my driving lesson tomorrow.  I really want to book my theory test but I'm worried I fail it. 

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