Spotted Orb Weaver?

Pets got me up at 6:00. I needed exercise so after breakfast, I got busy. Trek sheds terribly. I dusted and vacuumed the main level of the house. Decided to scrub all the floors ( with a mop) to capture anything the vacuum missed. Then I gathered everything I’d brought and packed the car. It hadn’t rained; I watered Kim’s outside plants drooping in pots. Kristen called to ask if I could take her children to school orientation tomorrow. She is going to try to work at the office this week (still has the kidney stones). I was amazed that it was only 8:30. Kim planned to be home by 2:30 so I let Trek out one more time at noon. Shadow thought she was having baby rabbit for lunch but I separated the two before the bunny was injured. Put Shadow inside and headed home. That was after this spider tried to take control of the garage door opener/closer pad. I am SO afraid of spiders. There were tomatoes and peppers to be picked in my garden. Hubby helped me after he returned from getting our meds. We are having a thunderstorm at the moment. The rain should be heaviest as we are leaving the 7:00 pm Feast of the Assumption vigil Mass. Parker is going with us. We’ll grab Chick Fil A from the drive thru for dinner. Thanks for visiting. Stay safe. "Don't be like a spider spinning a lonely web and let life's opportunities pass you by." - Ranjeeta Nath Ghai

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