James Simpson

For the context of this photo please see the extra.

I was following the advice of another blipper - Feorlean - who used to say “look upl. I was heading towards Victoria Quay along Henderson Street when I did that.

High up was this carved out plaque giving the architect’s name. I am more used to seeing the dates of buildings carved into stone.

It transpires that James Simpson (1830-1894) was very well known in Leith. He was the Burgh Assessor and Architect of Leith and was instrumental in the improvement plan for Leith. At the time it involved razing to the ground several hundred medieval buildings. Just as his work on the Chancelot Mills has now been demolished.

The Henderson Street development was one of his last major works which presumably justified the stone plaque.

It has been a while since I walked a bit in Leith. The clutter around the tram works has all gone. The water of Leith looked great in the sunshine (despite reports today of sewage increasing there). Victoria Quay (where I went to check on things ahead of the flower show next week) felt deserted. Apparently Mondays and Friday afternoons are very quiet.

Coffee with a friend then back through the business of the city to get into the garden to tidy up and enjoy the late sunshine.

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