Kirkcudbright Town Trail

Today's the day ....................... to steward

It was the perfect evening for a Town Trail  in Kirkcudbright - warm and sunny with hardly a breath of wind.

Jenny was leading this one but when her steward fell ill, I volunteered instead.  Will and I had done the leading for a couple of summers but felt that someone else should have a go this year.  And it was nice to be back - but without the responsibility of having to remember all the details.  All I had to do was make sure we didn't lose anyone en route.

This is Jenny explaining about the jougs attached to the wall of the Tolbooth.  And, in case you didn't know, it is 'an iron ring, fastened by a chain to a wall, post or tree, in which an offender was held by the neck' - and had to endure all sorts of verbal and other abuse from the inhabitants of the town.  They were common in Scotland from the 16th to the 18th century.

And incredibly, I did remember that interesting fact .....................!

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