Today's the day

By sheilwill

Tessa's Cake

Today's the day ........................ for routines

Tessa and Josie are with us for a couple of days and as usual, it's always an action-packed time because they are both such lively, creative girls.

Today was no exception.  There were lots of painting and sewing activities and then the arrival of some good friends for coffee.  After lunch, Tessa baked and decorated this delicious cake.  The girls and I went for a walk to find snails (?) and then there was just time for tea before we had to head off into Kirkcudbright for the 'Scottish Night' in the town centre.

Despite the fact that the same things happen every time - Pipe Band, Scottish Dancing etc, the girls love going.  The highlight is always the Tug-of-War (see extra) that takes place between a dozen burly men, chosen at random from the audience - and probably most of the children of Kirkcudbright.  The children have won for the last 50 odd years!

Incredibly, this is the last week of the Scottish schools' summer holidays and so there will be new routines for the girls to get used to again, next week ...............   

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