Who's watchin' who?

Who's he watching I wonder. If I had stayed poised a moment longer I would have caught him in full flight!

I was on the balcony searching for a sunset but it was too light. I had been at The Siamese Kitchen in Duns for dinner with a colleague - delicious and delicate (the meal not the colleague!!). Loved it. We were pampered with gentile attention and it was so well worth the visit.

Wee school sports day in sun and a fab day was had by all. I love events where family, extended family and community come to school to watch children do their stuff! Had a great staff laugh too - possibly even misbehaving!! So funny!

Managed to sort out some hobby stuff late afternoon...such a lot still to keep though. My reckoning is that if I pack that all away first I will not have anything to be distracted by and HAVE to get on with the packing!

Got another viewer on Monday evening! Yaay!

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