Calm before the storm...

I went back to A&E today and had my gammy leg checked out. They were very complimentary about my scrubbing efforts. It's clean enough - but very bruised and very disgusting!! They repatched it with iodine patches, cotton padding and a big muckle bandage. That's it good for 3 more days. I did manage a walk to OAS this afternoon for oodles of sympathy (thank you) and some yarn - in the sunshine and lovely dry afternoon.

The sky this evening is beautiful - the sun is so bright I can hardly watch it go down!

I worked quite hard from here today, driving my mother bonkers. She considers that when I'm here, I'm here to listen attentively... I managed to get a lot done but am still not happy to be letting everyone down. :( Still, they are keeping me very busy!

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