Sending a scent!

These lovely stocks have filled my rooms with scent - heady and delicious!

I had an ultra busy day with no thinking time. A highly productive and multi agency meeting after school with the youngster joining us at the end for feedback - fantastic result! Happy boy too!

I legged it home in time to show my evening's viewers round. Didn't get the fire lit but the rooms were bathed in sunshine. I heard lots of positive vibes, so fingers crossed. It only takes one...

BBQ with friends - impromptu and great fun. Uni kids are home with them so they were making plenty noise, enough to make me miss Susan. She got a cool 18/20 for her final English essay, so am very proud of her! We now await her degree result...I am so impressed with her work ethic - at Uni and in the pub. She has managed both perfectly and has not allowed one to blur into the other. She has organised her time for Uni studies when she has really needed to focus and the pub have been fantastic in accommodating that. It's a big ask to get a student to work on a regular basis - very few of her friends work so it's tough for her.

I feel she needs a wee break though - might just slip her a train ticket next week. her school pal is home across the road and desperate to see her. Hmmm I feel a plan hatching!

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