D had to wake up at 6 am to get a bus along to Granton about 7 am. Just after he'd left I noticed his Kindle left on his chair - aiyeee, he would very much feel the lack of that during four nights on the island. Called him, threw on (some) garments, and ran towards bus stop - he just managed to collect it in time. After that I went back to bed for a while in a discombobulated condition.

Next thing I saw out of the window was this happening. The Shrimp Wreck van seems to have been there for about a week - so it was getting clamped. (When I came back from a trip to the allotment a couple of hours later the clamp was gone, so I guess a fine must have been paid).

On my way down the road to the allotment I was startled by a flapping and rustling in a hedge - a magpie emerged and then a brown bird that moved like greased lightning. I assume a sparrowhawk. It flew off down Prospect Bank Place very fast in a straight line. No chance of a photo, but fortunately  Clickychick blipped one yesterday - very similar looking (maybe juveniles?). Although I think hers was down by the WoL vistor centre, so unlikely to be the same individual.

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