River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Menai Strait & Cadnant

My plan this morning was to drive over to Bangor and look around the shoe shops for a pair of lightweight boots to replace my “old faithfuls” which were 2nd incarnation and identical to these - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2741036074120777638 

Ten minutes into my journey I found myself crawling along in a queue of traffic which I’d joined at the VW garage. We crawled along, I decided to turn down into Menai Bridge town - I think they were finally removing all the signage from the major road works at the beginning of the month which meant more queuing … :-((

I left the main road and went down the road past Bryn Tawel, then parked up in Mountain View car park outside No.1 :-))

Walked along main road, lots of traffic and tourists on foot - left the hustle and bustle and walked down to peaceful Porth y Wrach, a favourite place of mine :-) whilst I was walking I’d decided I couldn’t be bothered with shopping and decided on a visit to  …

Cadnant Gardens, where I had lunch then a leisurely walk around the grounds, squishing leaves of assorted herbs and just enjoying the peace and tranquility :-)) There were quite a few visitors at the gardens but there’s plenty of space there!

Did the quickest shop ever at Waitrose, then home to peace and quiet.

Today’s main Blip is a favourite spot of mine - the boat repair shed at Ynys Faelog and there are a couple of photos of Cadnant Gardens in extras.

Happy Bank Holiday Weekend everyone! XXXX XXX XX
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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