
Today was the annual Benderloch Flower Show, in the Victory Hall, 15 minutes up the coast. I'd been asked to judge the photography section, as I usually do every other year.

Entrants were still setting out their exhibits as I arrived, so we sat down for tea and cakes until the judging began at 11am. There were around sixty prints on show, half from adults and half from children under fourteen. 

There were several good ones, quite a number of mediocre ones and a few excellent ones! Not sure that I'm the best judge around, but I've learnt a lot from having my own images judged over many years! There were also a 'Best Caption' contest - one each for adults and children. I rather doubt if the winning caption on the children's section was written by the photographer as she was only eleven, but it was good!

Once all the prints were displayed on the boards, together with their prize winning tickets, we retired for a bit of lunch before the Show opened to the public at 2pm. It's always good to meet old friends so there was quite a bit of chatting going on! I also had the opportunity to talk to some of the photographers, which was fun! I think my favourite picture, in the adult 'Flowers' section, was one of a huge rose bush in full pink flower set against industrial New York, with the haze from the Canadian bush fires faintly visible over the distant city skyscrapers.

My extra today was taken before the public showed up! 

Altogether a good day out! 

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