River Walk

BP first thing and as it was BH the class was busier than usual.  Home for a shower and then No.2 and H arrived.  We had planned a river walk, around 6k which was lovely albeit a bit warm and sticky.  We had lunch booked at the TT for 2.45 and I had looked at the menu in advance and had decided on ham, egg and chips (typical pub food but with proper ham and good eggs you can't go wrong).  However the chef had other ideas.  It was 'pressed ham hock' which No.2 said reminded him of the food he feeds to Malcolm.  The egg I was expecting (fried with the yolk slightly runny) did not feature and it was a hardboiled egg with some sort of coating?  No.2 had fish and chips which looked ok but was served with a pickled onion?!  I sometimes wonder why we waste our money eating out (with drinks no change out of £100 quid) as I am more often than not disappointed.  Moan moan moan.............

However it was a lovely afternoon and the more I see H the more I like her.  We did miss No.1 and JC and hopefully we can arrange a get together with all of us again soon.

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