Ice Cream

The day started badly with a visit to the dentist. An horrific experience in itself, which was made worse by the news that I was going to need a crown on my broken tooth. Which is going to cost me £795 and - even worse - need at least two hour plus appointments to fit. It was agreed that we could leave it until after my holiday but I would need a temporary filling in the meantime. That only took about five minutes to do, but I was still relieved of £75 for the privilege.
Needed cheering up after all that, so Mrs C and I took advantage of the afternoon sunshine to go for a walk along the shore at Arnside. And very pleasant it was too, especially with the addition of ice cream - Rum & Raisin for me, Jaffa Cake for Mrs C.
Two hours and 5K later, we may have walked off a few of those calories…

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