The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Pretty Plockton

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince, The Eldest Mini Princess and I* went to An Corran beach this morning as EMP and I wanted to go swimming**. Once we were past the seaweed (and yelping “sea monsters” every time it touched us) it was lovely. Murphy had a great time too although he was a bit confused by some of his people being in the water and some on land and spent a lot of time barking at us to get in! EMP got to use her dry robe for the first time. It’s bright blue and I likened her to a demented Smurf!

We all went to Plockton this afternoon which is absolutely beautiful. YMP said that it was probably the prettiest place she’d ever been and I agree. At the end of the pontoon, you can look down into amazingly clear water and see starfish on the rocks on the sea bed.

We passed a sign offering Calum’s seal trips with a very catchy “If you want to see a tripper, be a seal trip tripper”. I thought it sounded great to rap this Detroit style. YMP strongly disagreed!

We went for dinner in Antlers Bar and Grill but we were all pretty tired when we came back so no games tonight. Rapping is a tiring business!


*YMP was still snoozing

**The Prince opted not to get in (something about not being crazy)

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