Very Productive Day!

Cathie wanted to leave the house at 8:30am to take van Pam to the garage. I was ready and waiting for her so here starts the list of the day:
Drive to tip on route to garage
Empty garden waste
Hand in service book to be updated at garage
Drive Cathie to school
Shop at Morrisons for a couple things for mom
Put shopping away at mom’s
Clean up Jodie’s diarrhoea from the patio
Walk Scout
Take the cover off mom’s scooter to dry it
Pick up coffee beans from coffee shop, an iced bun from the bakers and some milk from Spar
Do the dishes
Breakfast (coffee and iced bun) at 12!
Crochet two rounds
Wash the swimming gear
Clean the picnic rug
Clean the goldfish bowl from my room
Hang out swimming gear
Unpack paddle board to dry
Prepare damaged patch of bathroom wall to paint
Drive to mom’s to pick up lawn mower (Jodie just laying on patio happy to for a tummy rub but nothing else. :(
Paint bathroom wall
Scout and I walk to bank to pay in cheque for mom
Soak dog leads and haltis
Mow small grass 4 times setting it shorter each time
Pick up Cathie from school and drive her to the garage to get Pam
Play with Scout in cricket field and talk to a fellow dog walker for quite some time
Bring in swimming gear
Hang out dog leads
Rake the large grass area while doing that meet some new neighbours from down the road and chat to next door neighbour for about half an hour
Rake the small grass
Put tools and long rope (that Scout had been on) away
Take lawn mower back to mom’s
Put her scooter in shed and on charge
Walk Jodie (who is back to her normal self again. Yay!)
Pick up some poo from the garden
Home and cook dinner while putting dishes away and reporting a scam email
Eat dinner
Comb Scout’s chest and front paw
Eat dessert
Fix Cathie some more! (Banana split)
Crochet while watching the final of ‘Race Around the World’
Arrange swimming tomorrow morning
Walk Scout
Make hot chocolate
Bring in dog leads
Blip in bed drinking hot chocolate

Ahhh! Good day!
It’s only taken me till the end of the holiday to have the energy and motivation to really pack things into the day!

And my girl is back to her normal self after being in heat. She had a very long snuggle with me this morning. About two hours. :)

Oh! The photo is a reflection in the chrome work of a nice motorbike that we passed on our way to the bank.
Beautiful weather today too. :)

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