Higher Power

All set up ready for tonight’s gig. And, as you can see, I now have the extension cab for my amp, thus being able to use the full 500 watts of power.
Except, the band will probably be asked to turn down as we are playing at a wedding reception which is taking place in a marquee. That’s if we actually make any noise at all - normally the company who provide the marquee would have brought a generator with them to power lights, sound, etc but, apparently, they can’t run a generator as the noise might upset the neighbours (if the neighbours might be disturbed by the sound of a generator, God knows what they’ll think when we launch into “Cocaine”!)
So the whole thing is basically running from a single 13 amp socket and a load of extension cables. It may well be that we’ll black out half of Barrow when we hit that first chord!
The good news - from my point of view - is that we’re only playing between 7 & 9 and it’ll be a disco afterwards. So I’m going to have that rare luxury of getting back home from a gig on the same day that I left. Which is probably just as well, as we’ve got a strenuous PT session booked for tomorrow morning.

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