Flesh Wound

I’m not sure if this counts as a sports injury - I wasn’t looking where I was going and bumped into a piece of equipment in the gym which must have had a sharp edge on it. Anyway, I didn’t get a lot of sympathy from those who were there, so decided to be a brave little soldier and carry on with my exercises!
I went through to Barrow this morning - a coffee with Stu before he heads off to Canada tomorrow and I also picked up my bass cab, which has finally arrived. Looking forward to hearing it in action at tomorrow’s gig.
A phone call from mum’s new doctor this afternoon. After a lot of tests, they have diagnosed that she is suffering from Vascular Dementia. Given her age and memory issues, this was hardly the most surprising news! It was a good chat though. I was able to give him a lot of background information which he said was really helpful. After so many years where I felt that she had slipped through the net as far as the NHS was concerned, it’s nice to know that they’re now on the case. The doctor did say that people with Dementia are still capable of making decisions and sticking to familiar routines (which mum definitely has) will help.
We’re hoping to get down to Chester one day next week, so I’ll be able to see for myself how things are at the moment.

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