Never Gonna Give You Up

Just over six months ago, I blipped a picture of my new Music Man Stingray bass. At that time I said I reckoned it was going to be a keeper but, in view of my somewhat chequered history as regards long term guitar ownership, I would provide an update in six months time, one way or the other.
As you can see from this picture taken at our gig last weekend, it is still owned and used by me. It’s not exactly the same as it was six months ago as I’ve upgraded the pickup to a Bartolini one, and I’ve gone over the neck a couple of times (most recently on Tuesday) with wire wool to take away some of the standard gloss finish, which gets a bit sticky when you’re playing under hot lights.
So the guitar sounds - and feels - great. And it’s outlasted the amp I bought around the same time. That item was packed back into its original box this afternoon as it’s being traded in on Monday. While I was in the loft getting the box, I took the opportunity to do a bit of tidying up and, though I wasn’t actually able to throw anything away, I did manage to organise things a bit better, which gave the illusion of having gained space.
I think the biggest challenge to continued guitar ownership will not be due to wanting to change them, but just being able to afford to hang on to them. EDF have said that they are increasing my monthly energy DDR from £200 to £350 - despite my account being well in credit at the moment! This time last year I was only paying £100 per month.
It’s going to be a long, cold winter…

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