
Tried to do some ‘work’ today in a bid to recognise that I am going back to school on Monday!
Didn’t really get anything of value done and did get quite fed up and restless by 3:30 having been in all day and it being a beautiful day.
Cathie was going to visit her dad so I called to see if mom wanted to go out for ice cream. She didn’t answer. I went round. She wasn’t in! Her phone was though! I looked around. She had gone out on her scooter with Jodie. :D I was very happy about that. I figured she’d gone to Stewart’s and decided to leave them to it. I figured if I tried to get them both moving, the Brownie barn would be closed!
So, Scout and I went to the Brownie Barn ourselves. Scout enjoyed the attention of a few people there while I enjoyed honeycomb ice cream and a salted caramel brownie with a coffee. (I also enjoyed talking to the people around me. )
Then we headed to the river by the church at Linton. Just as hoped we had it to ourselves and had a good play finishing with walking across the stepping stones and back. :)

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