
I slept badly last night - one of the things that was preoccupying my brain was the printer.  I fought with it today, and although at first my worries were borne out, I did eventually master it.

When I blipped the statue in Enniscorthy, it encouraged me to read a little about the 1798 rebellion.  This was not solely based on religious beliefs - it was primarily a revolt of the Irish peasants (who were mainly, but not entirely, Catholic) against the British overlords (who were, of course, primarily Protestant).  Wexford was the scene of a number of battles.

During this rebellion, there were atrocities on both sides.  I noted mention of, and read about, the Scullabogue massacre, and remembered seeing a sign.on the drive from our house to Adamstown.  So today, after picking up medications from the pharmacy, I followed the sign.  

I found a memorial stone erected in 1998 in a small Church of Ireland (so Protestant) graveyard.  At some stage I will see if I can find the memorial in Old Ross Churchyard.

On the same signpost was a sign for The Croppy Memorial In Raheen, so I chased this up - I found it (also erected in 1998) in the Catholic churchyard - see extra.

A day that started grey, with a few dribbles of rain turned lovely again.

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