Back to the fuchsia!

The Lodging House Fuchsias
Mrs Master's fuchsias hung
Higher and broader, and brightly swung,
Bell-like, more and more
Over the narrow garden-path,
Giving the passer a sprinkle-bath
In the morning.

She put up with their pushful ways,
And made us tenderly lift their sprays,
Going to her door:
But when her funeral had to pass
They cut back all the flowery mass
In the morning.
Thomas Hardy

Two swims today - high tide this morning so it had to be done and then we were seriously sweaty late afternoon so risked another somewhat bracing dip. Warm, cloudy and muggy today - the time spent doing indoor stuff with quick nips out to clear brambles or do  a spot of mowing.
This is for Jeanne53's Chris who like a bit of fuchsia - the hedgerows are looking amazing at the moment, layered red with fuchsia blossoms and hawthorn berries,

And yesterday's dirty yellow brown rain was due to Saharan sand!

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