Harry Styles and tidying up

Today was supposed to be about tidying up and, in particular, sorting out the music room. It was, I guess, reasonably successful, inasmuch as progress was made.

This morning, I took the cardboard recycling, only to find Harry Styles peeking out of the top of one of the bins. It seemed kind of appropriate: Abi and Milly are both massive fans. I took the photo for them.

But momentum was lost in the big tidy up when it came to sorting through boxes of stuff in the music room. In my Extras you can see:

- a photo of Ashley Jones and myself when we were in Halo Jones.

- a piece of paper signed by Gary Numan, the provenance of which is lost in the mists of time.

- a mousemat, featuring my three eldest children, all previewing characteristics that they still display today.

It is a room full of treasures, which, it seems, all require savouring :-)

Milly was at her friend's party, this evening, and Abi was out in Lancaster with her friends, but Dan arrived this afternoon, and he and I went out for a curry this evening, followed by a couple of drinks at The King's Arms. All in, it was a good day.

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