Too Hot for Some

It’s a sad fact that for me it can be too hot to sit outside. It can also be  too hot and sunny for my two red headed, blue eyed daughters to even sit under the patio umbrella where the rays of sunlight can wriggle through the weave of the fabric. Today it was that day when it was too hot and sunny for comfort, but I’m still not complaining- better that than the haar of yesterday.

After meeting at Churchill and having a coffee at the Turkish café on Morningside Road, daughter#1  and I came back to the Dower House for her to inspect and hopefully plunder the stash of wool I have accumulated over the years. 
That done, we tried sitting outside under the patio umbrella nursing glasses of wine, but had eventually to escape back into the cool of the house. We watched the students over the railings lying  sunbathing in the full glare of the sun, lots of bare skin soaking up the sunshine. We could only admire their stamina. I don’t suppose there were many red heads amongst them.

It will be much more pleasant as the sun gets lower in the sky and  I  meet up with my neighbours for the TGIF drinks. It’s Friday again and we seem to be racing through the weeks.

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