Sunny Saturday

The daughter and I were on our way by 7am with a red sun burning off the mist over Duddingston. We were aiming once more for the beach at Seacliff where magic happens. We chose the A1 rather than the coastal route thinking it would be quicker but my navigational skills were called out after we missed the East Linton turn off and found ourselves outside Dunbar which meant a deviation back to the road we should have been on, before heading to the coast via Tyninghame.

Despite my faux pas we were on the beach and in the water by 8am. Being a sunny, hot Saturday  there were 3 other couples sharing the sea with us. Also sharing our area of sea was what must have been a sick sea bird which surprised us, and not in a good way, by swimming underwater in circles around our legs. In retrospect it was almost as if it were asking for our help, although I’m not sure if intervention would have had a good result. With the Bass Rock in sight and knowing the fate of thousands of seabirds from the bird flu virus, I fear the poor thing’s fate was already sealed.

We drove home via the coastal route, stopping at Port Seton Harbour with its little greasy spoon café for coffee and  bacon rolls - another trip down memory lane for me.
It’s another lovely day and my swimming gear has all dried on a sunny hot patio.

Now I’m waiting for my Orkney Selkie and her older daughter up from London to see the new baby to pop in on their way back from town.

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