
By RaceyTrace333

Sleepy after busy day (that's both of us)

Today I was up reasonably early. I went to a Photography Training Open Day, was really good. I am thinking of having some 1-2-1 sessions.

I went and did a little shopping, and drove past where the signets were but they are not around. Think they were in a too busy area, so moved on.

Than I came home and had a power nap! Got up and then cut grass in pj's like a Charlie Dimmick.

Tomorrow I am doing a shoot with a friend who is on a fitness regime, and she is bringing her kettle bell, so should be fun. I then have got to sort out 3 outfits for an evening and day event with work. Will tell you more later in the week, quite exciting. Evening gown for dinner, and then need outfit for following day.

Hope you are allaying a good weekend.

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