Jiggling boobs!

Tonight I volunteered at the Edinburgh Moonwalk. I was there for the beginning so I got to prepare the walkers and see the build up. It was a very different experience to my marathon volunteering last month. Not only was I at the start rather than the finish, but also, a running event is vastly different to a walking one. Noone is interested in their PB for a start! And everything felt like a big party!

Now I know plenty of you think I'm crazy when it comes to exercise. I can run a marathon no problems. I even think I'm addicted to it! But these people are crazier. I can't think of many things more dull than walking 26.2 miles. My word, it'd take so bloody long! Why walk it when you can run it much faster?? Haha said by a true marathon runner!

So my hat comes off to these women (and the few token men). You're doing something I couldn't (or wouldn't) do! Good luck with the moonwalk and well done for raising money for such a good cause: Walk the Walk

Just one more thing - I've never seen so many jiggling boobs before - believe me when I say it'll be quite some time before my eyes recover!

Today's run: 4 miles
June running mileage: 19 miles
2013 running mileage: 479 miles

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