Safe light?

So yesterday I blipped the moonwalk, but I failed to mention what I did before my shift started at 6.30pm. I had decided to take my book and read in Holyrood Park. I always get burnt on my head, neck and shoulders so like a sensible girl, applied my suntan lotion and headed out. My arms and legs are more used to the sun and hardly ever get burnt. Can you see where I'm going with this one? I hate the sun :(

I forgot to apply lotion to my arms and legs and after about an hour in the sun, thought it was getting hot so I'd better put some on, just in case. Well it turns out the sun is a little bugger and thought "ah trying to be a smart arse and protect your shoulders ey? Well how about this!!" Yes 1 hour of Scottish sunshine was enough to fry my delicate English skin. But only my arms below the shoulder and calves. Beautiful.

I was due to go out for a long run this morning. But I just couldn't risk getting more burnt on these areas (they are only body parts if me that are visible to the sun in my running gear!!) so I've spent the day in the house instead. Damn it.

At 7pm, I decided the sun was probably safe enough to go for a run so I headed out. It was actually a lovely evening and I bumped into an ex-colleague, Karen, so it was lovely to have a wee chat with her!

This is the light at about 8pm as I was stretching on the grass in the park after my run. Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend!

Today's run: 5 miles
June running mileage: 24 miles
2013 running mileage: 484 miles

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