The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Work work work..

Lordy, no sooner back and trying to re-establish sleep patterns than I’m descended upon - by DJ, secretary of the resident’s massive who has organised this, and two cooncillors, including the esteemed chair of the T&E committee, so that DJ can give them some grief. And they can give their well practised excuses in return. Fair enough, it’s money. And then it’s priorities.
I then spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out why my nice car can’t use apple carplay. It’s because VW made app-connect an optional extra and if you didn’t order it, you don’t have the activation codes. Googling is not helped by VW also having car-net and we-connect, which their Google’s AI can’t seem to get its head round. Grrrrrr.
Later, another meeting - at the boat club. Pontoon invoicing and tracking duties are being handed over from Frank to JC and the Commodore wants to sit in. And wants me to sit in too. Begger me, it should be much simpler (we just used to have an honesty box but there were too many “forgetful" folks). Poor JC - let’s hope he lasts longer than Frank.
Oh, and when I got home, the ironing and washing fairy had been! 

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