
My meeting today took me to an interesting part of Glasgow. It looked so bleak, such desolation - if not for the shiny new cars. (It actually wasn't a bad part of town, just an abandoned building in a nice part.)

In other contrasting news, it seems I've had a couple of strokes of luck recently.

Last Thursday I found out I'd won £20 of Waterstones vouchers for filling in a work survey last month.

Then today I found out I'd won a competition for entry into the Great North Run and a new pair of Asics trainers. I've been unsuccessfully trying to get a ballot place for the GNR for a couple of years now. It's such a hard race to get into, if you don't run for charity. I last ran the Junior GNR when I was a wee nipper - so now it seems I'm going back to the homeland!

These things come in threes, hmm I wonder if I should put the lottery on?

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