Lunch in an igloo

Girls lunch today so military precision with train times ensuring coffee stop before lunch.  I had not organised it so was ‘happy to go with the flow’.  The pod was wonderful overlooking the Thames and the food was delicious and wine plentiful.  We talked and laughed and enjoyed lots of banter.  On the way back to the station I lost £10 as the note blew out of my bag ( when I got my phone out to take a snap of the sunset)  and along the path and then into the river!  Sounds mad I know.

Home by 9.00 (after 12.30 lunch) to a lovely surprise.  No.1 had come home for a few days and rather than me driving to Tooting to collect her tomorrow, had got the train and walked from EF.  First time that she has done that for a while, and no nap today either!

Good day.

OH played golf with lunch girls husbands and won again.

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