
I took this photo of Billy the Cat who is resident in the care home.  He made himself very comfortable on MIL's bed.  OH visited her today while I did some gardening - she is getting used to it a bit but not very happy, sadly.

I did some gardening and emptied more of the pots (hard work taking out the dead box balls which had died from Box Blight - weight training coming in handy.  I spent a couple of hours gardening but rain stopped play so I came in for a shower and did some bits on the computer while OH watched the grand prix and cooked (is cooking) dinner as I type.  Wondering if 4.13 is too early for a glass of wine?

Chatted on face time with No.1 and she was much brighter and upbeat - lovely to see her smiling face.  Mini break booked to Winchester - sort of belated birthday present.  

Also chatted to No2 who is getting over a cold and still sounded poorly - he has worked most of the week - no sick days for him!

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