Blush response

By Esper

Holy Birthday Cake!

On This Day In History
1928: Adam West, aka. The Batman, is born

Bonus On This Day In History
1967: Steven Lewington, aka The Esper, is born

Quote Of The Day
"Anything that triggers good memories can't be all bad."
(Adam West)

Batman: Look Commisioner! There's a message hidden inside this birthday cake!
Robin: What does it say?
Commisioner Gordon (reading): How is history like a fruit cake?
Robin: It's full of dates!
Batman: That's right, Robin! You've done it again, old chum!
Robin: But what does it mean, Batman?
Batman: I'm afraid it can only mean one thing, Robin. It means our old arch nemesis, that haggard old harbinger of historical headscratchers is back in business.
Robin: You mean .... ?
Batman: Yes, Robin ..... The Esper!
Robin: Holy ancient relic!
Chief O'Hara: Begorra!


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