Burned Trees...

...or are they? It's difficult to tell if they have new growth or just old burned foliage hanging on, but they look different from the ones on the ridge behind. Whatever is going on with them, I like the way they look silhouetted against the sky. I intentionally blew out the picture a bit because I like the effect. This is our newly highlighted view up the canyon from our living room. I say newly highlighted, because we cut down yet another tree that distracted from the overall view.

Marc and Teri left this morning promising to come back next year. Marc slipped getting onto his sailboat from the dinghy and cut his shin back in May. It seemed to be healing well until all of a sudden it blew up. He went to the emergency room and was admitted immediately. Like fire, infection can travel underground and smolder until all of a sudden another fire is ignited. He was in hospital for a week with IV's in both arms and an open wound on his shin. After a week he went home on IV antibiotics for two more weeks.

I mention all this because we inevitably compared notes and he gave me all the inside info on the healing of open wounds from his visits to the wound care clinic, and left me with some high tech bandages that don't have to be changed every day. I'm grateful that I didn't have to deal with the infection part and that he is almost healed. He was so helpful about caring for a wound that has to heal by secondary intention.

Our dinner at Sea Thai restaurant last night was a big success. I meant to take a picture of the glass jelly fish and shoals of little fish lights swimming attractively across the ceiling, but of course  forgot as we enjoyed the food and the conversation. A picture doesn’t really do them justice.

Will left at 4am yesterday driving a fairly large U-Haul truck full of his possessions and two cats, Harley and Beans,  who were decidedly NOT happy with their lot. happy with their lot. However they all got there safely. Jim is driving Will's car down today and plans to fly home tomorrow. He said he needed to find a place to stay overnight as the apartment is small and assuming they got everything moved in, he would have to sleep on the couch. He said, 'since it was recently OUR couch, I know what it is like to sleep on it and would prefer to go to a hotel and sleep in a bed. Too bad my brother and his wife are in Italy right now because he could stay with them. 

So the birds have now flown the nest (for the second or third time) and Dana and Jim will be getting used to a different life without them. We'll probably still see Peter as he didn't go that far, but we'll miss Will. He came with his truck to pick up a chair we gave him but was gone before I had a chance to give him a hug....off to collect Chloe's contributions to the truck. Between Rick and Meg and Will and Chloe, I see another trip to San Diego in our future.

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