Way Down

Sorrento only has a couple of very small beaches, so most of the sunbathing and swimming is off the numerous jetties that jut out from the bottom of the cliffs.
But, my goodness, it’s a long way down if you want to get there. There is a long zigzag ramp if you’re feeling energetic or a lift if you’re feeling rich. We were just feeling knackered by this point so contented ourselves with gazing out over the bay.
We spent most of the day exploring the town. A total contrast to yesterday when rain stopped play after half an hour! Pretty much got the layout in our heads now and have earmarked a couple of shops to visit later in the week to buy souvenirs. The streets were crowded with tourists of all nationalities, but we managed to find a very nice pizza restaurant, just off the main drag, where we had lunch.
As we got on the shuttle bus back to the hotel, there was a rumble of thunder and it started raining. Looks like we timed our day out perfectly, though it was only a short shower, unlike yesterday’s downpour. We’re having a bit of a rest now, before dinner, as we managed to cover nearly 5 miles/12,000 steps just strolling around the old town.
After all that exertion, I think tomorrow is going to be a day for relaxing by the pool. I might have a look at planning a couple of excursions for later in the week though. We’re not really “lounging by the pool” people when we’re away on holiday, and prefer to be out and about exploring. Unfortunately our advancing years do sometimes dictate that you need to pause and recharge the batteries now and again!

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