Shot By Both Sides

This was the view that greeted us upon arrival at the doctors surgery to receive Covid Booster and Flu jabs. Last year these were done separately and it was a very slick operation.
But this year, the surgery felt that it was better to do it all in one visit to save people having to make two appointments. Unfortunately an unanticipated procedural issue had arisen due to both being administered at the same time, and it was all taking slightly longer than expected, meaning quite a queue had built up by the time we arrived. Hats off to the staff though who kept us informed as to the reason for the delay, checked us in as quickly as possible and managed the queue to avoid too many people in the waiting area at any one time.
And because it was all explained to us, no one complained and we all waited patiently for our turn. Mrs C was jabbed within a few minutes of arrival, but I had to wait about fifteen minutes longer.
Once in the consulting room, it was very quick. One jab in each arm and I’m now protected against two variants of Covid and four variants of Flu.
I was warned I may have sore arms tomorrow. But as I also had a PT session this morning which really worked my biceps and triceps, I doubt I’ll be able tell what aches are from the jabs and what aches are from the workout!

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