campervan man

By campervan

Who needs SatNav

Another day, a few more  Cathedral's.
We spent the night in Wales in a wonderful pub, excellent food. As an ignorant English man I found the bilingual road signs very confusing.  Normally I can just scan road signs, not really reading them, to understand their information. In Wales the signs are in two languages, not necessarily in the same order. Every sign has to be read rather than scanned. I have to think about what I am doing, a slow process.
The other confusion was the change in the speed limit, reading 30 means 20. I tried really hard to stick to the new lower limit but it was hard,  especially when no one else was.
One of the Cathedral's visited today was Hereford, on of the "big" English ones. Unfortunately it was partly closed because they had a religious service going on. It semed like a Harvest Festival type as they had food, fresh and tined and big loaves of bread. At one point we were held up by a long procession of very young children in school uniform(probably nursery school) making their way into the church. They all looked incredibly sweet, like my youngest grandson. I suppose services like this should take priority over wondering tourists like me but I have missed a lot of potential pictures.
Ended the day back in England in another excellent pub. Lamb kofta for dinner, belly stuffed again.
Today's interesting facts:- the Mapa Mundi is a 13th century map drawn up by English monks.It is the oldest map of its kind. It is in Hereford Cathedral,is very beautiful and totally inaccurate. My blip is of a copy with everything translated into English. My neatest pointto home mentioned on the map is Ely, According to this map that is surprisingly close to Cologne.
Interesting fact two:- The International Welsh rarebit Centre is in a very small village up a very narrow road. They have recently received an award from TripAdvisor as an outstanding global restaurant. We do not know exactly tly why but it could be because they have a couple of hundred reviews, all 5star. I have never seen this before. They now have one more, it is a superb place. The lady who runs it makes all the cakes and the chutneys and the rarebits. Worth a visit.
Interesting fact:- Brecon is a town but it has a Cathedral. This should not be right. It's a very nice place so we did not ake a fuss about it.
Last day of the tour tomorrow then home to do some photo books. That means looking through the hundreds and hundreds of photos I have taken in the last few days. Not an exciting prospect.

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