
By ayearinthelife

Homeward Bound

Up and about at silly o’clock this morning, to make sure we were ready for the earlier than anticipated transfer to the airport. As mentioned yesterday, this was because our flight had been brought forward by an hour to avoid getting caught up in the baggage handlers strike. Funny how they chose to walk out between 1.00pm and 5.00pm - you’d almost think they’d done it on purpose, to coincide with traditional siesta time!
As it happened, I didn’t sleep that well due to my burgeoning cold, so I was all packed and ready by 6.00am. Pick up was any time after 7.30, but breakfast didn’t start until 7 so it was going to be cutting it fine to get fed before we got on the coach. But, as it happened, they started serving 10 minutes early to cater for a large group of Americans who were on an early excursion, so we had plenty of time for a decent brekkie before being picked up. Everything went smoothly after that and we took off only a few minutes late.
Back in Manchester now, and it’s probably a good job our flight was an hour earlier, because it’s been a right faff getting through passport control, baggage reclaim and then waiting for the right courtesy bus. However, we’ve now got two hours to grab something to eat and get to the theatre. And there is a McDonalds right opposite our hotel. Surely some sort of sign…

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