Wet doesn't suit you!!

The starlings appear to have been successful raising their broods this year. I cannot ever remember seeing so many babies. They gather on the gravel garden to feed, squabble and generally test the patience of their parents.

Four of them were "playing" in the almost empty water feature this morning, so when they vacated for a couple of minutes, I switched it on.

New game, new game......they drank it, washed in it, tried swimming in it, fought over their position on the edge and generally messed about!! Great fun was had by all, including me watching them!!!

We had workmen fixing the edge of the roof today, so when they move to the back of the house to work, the birds disappeared only to reappear the second the men went back to their van to have a mug of coffee.

It has stayed dry, thank goodness, but another grey day no sunshine.

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