River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: Garden Flowers

A little bit like summer today, temperature around 20°C with a gentle breeze … which was perfect for a spot of gardening :-))

MrD was very helpful digging up a very stubborn euphorbia - I don’t really like them, they have horrible sticky white sap and I hadn’t expected it to survive BUT it took over a very narrow part of the garden at the side of the garage, it’s now history … !

My only other job was to prune back the buddleia next to our back wall, this is an old and very untidy tree but so valuable because it feeds the pollinators for a good part of the summer :-))

An afternoon of watching World Cup Rugby, Japan 27 - 39 Argentina. Watching Fiji - Portugal as I type …

Loads of love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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