campervan man

By campervan

The garden still has a lot of colour in it

But the weather forecast is saying autumn is on its way so that's about it for this year.
In a previous blip I featured some Triffid like plants. Well they have all been blown down or collapsed but this plant prostration has provided the display of yellow flowers in the foreground of the picture. They look better nearer to ground level.
We went to see the film the Great Escaper this lunchtime. It is a new film, not to be confused with The Great Escape, with Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson. A true story about a man making his own way to France for the 70th anniversary of D Day. The thing that stuck me most forcibly was how old both the main characters looked, little makeup, just naturally them. Their performances were very good, and quite touching, quite low key and understated but worth watching

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