Tiger Swallowtail

According to my insect book, this is a Western Tiger Swallowtail. Though, it also says it is located near California, not in the eastern part of the US where I am. But the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail image isn't quite right and the Western is... Maybe they migrated? Either way, I'm sure it's a Tiger Swallowtail of some sort. And bigger is nice.

There were 2 of these butterflies competing for flowers for most of the afternoon. There were millions hundreds of mosquitoes competing for my blood all afternoon as well. I think I'm having a histamine reaction to all of the bites. I feel a little sick... My poor dogs look like they have tons of little brown freckles on their snouts. But when you look closer... they are covered in mosquitoes. Damn things. The dogs seem unaffected and the vet said that they wont react like we do. (They are on heart worm prevention meds to keep them from getting that mosquito carried decease and that's about all that can be done for them.) I could hardly stand to focus the camera while I was being attacked. I don't know how the dogs can take it, but they do want to be outside all day. (I bring them in often, but then they beg to go back out.) It just kills me to see them so covered in those bloodsucking pests.

Looks like a Benadryl night for me, I'll never get to sleep otherwise. Tomorrow I will have to venture to a less infested area for a blip. However tempting our garden full of flower and bugs may be, I don't think I can take another day of this.

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