
By ayearinthelife

Under The Bridge

Best laid plans and all that…! The plan for today was to visit the Blists Hill Victorian Town museum, but we found it was closed on Mondays. As were all the other museums in the Ironbridge Gorge. And when we consulted our National Trust handbook to see if there was anything of interest either slightly further afield, or on the way home, we found that most of those were also shut on Mondays!
So all we could do was visit Ironbridge itself and look at the famous bridge, which has been there since 1779. And it’s a good job we didn’t want to do anything more than have a walk around, as there was very little sign of life otherwise. Though I did find a pork pie shop - Eley’s of Ironbridge - which claims it’s pies are world famous. So I had to buy one to test the claim. Well, it was good, but I didn’t see hordes of overseas visitors queuing up to buy one so will have to take their word for it. I was intrigued by the advert for a 4 tier wedding pork pie at £250. I’d have been happy with that at our wedding, but I think Mrs C might have had something to say on the matter.
I particularly liked the notice of tolls payable to cross the bridge and the fact that no one was exempt from payment - not even the Royal Family!
As we got home earlier than planned I managed a quick trip to the gym before tea. I seem to have put on a lot of weight whilst away, so a vigorous workout was just the ticket to start getting rid of it again.

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