You've got to laugh at yourself sometimes!

Hi everyone!

Ok, just a quick blip as I've been quite busy today!

Craig had his visit to high school, and I found out he's in most of the same classes as Declan and another friend! I'm really pleased for him! I seen them at lunchtime and showed them a couple of places around the school. I also got a 'library monitor' badge at school today, which I wear with pride! I'm going to be helping out with the younger ones book clubs after summer, so that'll be interesting!

Uh, let's see what else.... Got loads of exercise in dodgeball (after storming out of badminton!), making progress in photography class, erm.... I think that's about it. Craig and co. will be back at high school tomorrow, and I'm just a teeny bit excited!

Hope you have a good Thursday!

Steven :)

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