
This is my clematis that rampages ever westwards along ,under and over our boundary fence!
What I cant show you is the lovely perfume it has .
But I can show you its many floors ; there must be at least THREE HUNDRED!!

Can you imagine anyone in their right mind spending that many angst ridden days searching the globe for that elusive image ; and then sitting at home in front of a screen with writers block,vainly hoping for some crumb of originality to manifest itself!!

No, neither can I!!
But, there you go ;theres nowt as queer as folk!! :-D

And for those of you ( you I mean!!) poised ready to actually actually sit and count said floors in the hope of gleefully trumpeting---"HaHa;theres only 299 " I would point out that were you to look behind your screen you would realise there are ,at least, as many again on the other side of the fence!! :-D

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