
By LadyFindhorn

Babet is Outstaying her Welcome

I am so pleased that we drove down from Moray yesterday and not today. We seem to have managed to escape the worst of storm  Babet even though what we encountered was bad enough.

I braved crossing the Meadows this morning to collect a prescription and it was a depressing experience. It was windy, it was raining but worst of all it was so dark.
I have hunkered down in the house now and put the heating on even though it isn’t that cold but LeeAnne is popping in and doesn’t deserve to have her teeth chattering.
I imagine there will enough chattering of a different kind to keep us going.

Later I will have the TGIF drinks with the neighbours marking another Friday afternoon. How quickly the weeks are flying past Before I know it it will be Christmas ……again. It seems no time since I was packing up last year’s

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