I took a picture of my pineapple sage flowering in the garden but then realised it was completely out of focus and couldn't be bothered to put my shoes back on to go out. So you get my latest project. I'm knitting this, not my strong point, and I've just had to unpick an entire row as I went wrong three stitches in, which I didn't realise until three stitches from the end (where it should have been an even number left). Grrr.
A good day, if busy. Very productive. I had to give one of my project stakeholders some bad news first thing, about a bit of a budget deficit, and he took it remarkably well. It might not be as bad as it looks but I won't know until December.
Quiet night in tonight before a busy day tomorrow. Starting with Parkrun to celebrate Himself's 250th. He started about three years after me and had been brilliant at sticking to it. I've stuck at around 100, which I did last December. I think I might be on 106 or something now.
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