
By LifeLines

Pastries and Thunder

It’s been another day of torrential downpours. But we were fortunate this morning to have several hours of dry weather and even some sunshine so we ventured to Emsworth for a walk with Merlin.

The tide was high and the water glassy still, creating a slightly eerie atmosphere, and quite a contrast to how we usually experience it.

Our usual route was blocked by the especially high tide so we detoured into uncharted territory before eventually emerging in the town centre.

Merlin took us straight to the bakery for a pasty. His eagerness was shared by Andy so we sat on the quayside drinking tea and eating pastries, chatting with passers by and meeting their dogs. Merlin is very content in these kinds of situations where there is plenty to stimulate his senses but not so much that they are put into overdrive.

This was the view as we returned rather hastily to the car. The tide had retreated several metres so we were able to walk along the waterfront as usual but our drive home was diverted as the main road was under water - caused by a combination of a high tide with heavy rain.

Hoping your day has been kind to you x

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