Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A healthy breakfast

The Feast Day of St. Simon and St. Jude.
Both Paul and me were awake earlier than usual because he had an appointment in Blackburn at the Royal Blackburn hospital, for a lung capacity test. Praise God he has strong healthy lungs he reported to me on returning home.
I went out to buy our Saturday Mail but it was too soon. They had not yet been delivered.
I bought Garden News, delighted to see it had free Laurentia's seeds. They are beautiful and delicate.The flowers look a little similar to white Lobelia.
Then, a plod along to the Co op, and their newspapers were also waiting for a delivery. I bought three food items for the Co op foodbank and a Kitchen Garden publication with free vegetable seeds to store in my seed tin that my sister sent us as a house warming gift, a while ago. March is the main sowing time for most of these seeds.
I walked home and then had the healthy breakfast in the photo. The muesli is from Home and Bargain and the perfect balance of oats, seeds and dried fruit.
Thank you so much for kind comments, prayers and for visiting my site.
Take care.

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